The nights are still kind of chilly, and the sleeping bag was pecularily inviting so breakfast didn't get a look in until after ten. ..and by the time the second round of coffee had been brewed and we got bored of watching the wee fish under the boat it was almost midday. Staying longer was tempting.. but it was sadly time to lift the hook.
We lay head to what little wind there was in the bay and so hauled out without the motor. We were a little nearer the shallows than I'd planned by the time we has the genoa unfurled and then had a second go at hoisting the main after snagging a baton in the shrouds - but isn't that why they call it a shake-down cruise?
Happily we had tail winds again as we tracked back - this time plotting a course around the shoals instead of taking the main channel back into Mysingen. This turned out much easier than the last (and only time) we'd tried it before when, close hauled, we met twelve kayaks crossing our course....
On Mysingen We had a good five knots heading north but then dropped into a wind hole when we came past Lindholmsgrund - watching the windex gyrate in all directions as we tried vainly to catch a steady breeze. In the end it came back in the east and we had a good close reach all the way back to Gålö - and good winds all the way in to Karlslunds. A very pleasant home stretch to finish the weekend. Toppen! Consider the season well and truly started! ...................... 15 May 2009 |