Saturday, 8 August 2009

Double vision

The trip homeward took us as far as Mörtö-Bunsön. There were lots of boats but there's plenty of space and deep water close in... a little too much deep water in fact! It's ten meters deep not far off the cliffs. I added extra line to the anchor and dropped the hook a bit further out than normal to get a good lie - and then ran out of line before I got to the shore!

It was super weather, and once the heat started to ease in the afternoon we went off for a walk and picked a few blueberries to have with breakfast (picking up a good few mosquito bites along the way). Coming back through the trees I wondered who it was standing washing down my boat?!?! ... until I got closer and saw that it wasn't Mata Hari at all, but a very near twin that had arrived while we'd been gone. Kul!

Thursday, 6 August 2009


We sailed in light winds to Stavsnäs, dropped off Pål and took on new supplies. It was a lumpy trip with lots of motorboat traffic.
From there it was a couple of hours pleasant sailing to the south side of Nämdö...
Despite a number of other boats already being there we got a quiet spot and a great sunset. :)

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Lost in space

We left Stora Nassa on a cloudy morning, and more or less got out of the islands before mist set in... Sometimes a boat would appear, or a skerry, but mostly we sailed in a circle of grey keeping track on the GPS.
As luck would have it though, the mist broke as we reached the shipping lane past Sandhamn, and we completed the trip in bright sunshine on the last of the day's breeze..

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Night life

Once the sun has dipped, and dinner gone the way of all things it's time to cosy up in the cabin with coffee and some good chocolate...and maybe a little whisky :)
The oil lamp was this year's investment - scoring highly on cosiness factor, and saving on the battery.

Sunday, 2 August 2009


We have arrived... A fine fast reach past Möja and on across open water liberally scattered with rocks and lighthouses to Kallskär.
Now we are here in the outer Archipelago... With the grill on and salmon sizzling :)

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Mirror Finish

We started the day on Vindalsö under grey cloud with a fresh westerly, and ended up here at Grisselholm after motoring across Kanholmsfjarden.
The sun is setting, and the water is like a mirror...