Saturday, 9 August 2014

Homeward bound

We arrived at Nämdö from Vindalsö as the sun set after four hours beating in 20 knot winds... Hard work after a week on the beach.
Nothing wrong then with a lazy breakfast in the sunshine 😊

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Sunday, 27 July 2014


After a beautiful, hot and sunny day on the water, broad reaching in 6 knots of wind, we have arrived at Vindalsö. We're joined by three other boatloads of happy dancers... With more arriving tomorrow.
The forecast is for magic sunsets and good company ahead..

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Saturday, 26 July 2014


Holiday time..and a chance to get out and enjoy the fantastic weather.
A somewhat roundabout sail past Dalarö to a busy but quiet bay on Kalvholmarna. Light light winds.. And all is still.....

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Saturday, 22 March 2014

The shape of things to come...

A fine sunny day in March. Time to take down the covers and start thinking about getting the boat ready for the season. I did say thinking doesn't do to rush these things.

Coffee in the sunshine, check the berth, find where in the mast rack we left the mast... um and ah a little bit on how much anti-fouling it needs this year. That must be enough for one day.