Monday, 10 May 2010

Ready for the off

Not the sunniest of weekends.  We got rained off yesterday, but managed today to get the last of the 'must do before we launch' jobs done...  touching up the white waterline on the starboard side.

Somehow it's always the starboard side.  Think it's because with the engine on  that side the boat is never fully even and the paint ends up underwater at the bottom.  Toplac is for above the waterline....

Apart from that the cockpit got a clean, the cupboards got sorted, the cabin woodwork got oiled, and some of the deckhouse got polished.. plus I made a quick and not so very tidy job of renewing the silicone on the hull/deck join in a couple of places.  And then to finish off... a last coat of 'nanopolish' - in the hope that it will keep her looking good for ALL of the summer.

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