Monday, 5 July 2010


Inspecting the forest on Nämdö
The wind changed.. and a bit like Mary Poppins it was time for us to go.  With a forecast for strong westerlies by nightfall we wanted a spot with good shelter in the west - so we plumped for Nämdö.  Not such a long sail but a pleasant one, a broad reach most of the way, with a beat up to come in to the bay.

We found a spot all to ourselves...  taking our time to find good depth close in.  And then of course as soon as we were settled three more boats turned up. 

We arrived quite early and had plenty of time for a look around - at least this end of Nämdö.  About ten  minutes walk north along the coast is a sopmajor - composting toilet and rubbish room.  It's not so easy to see from a distance, and not well signed on the trail, but persevere round to the small headland and it's easy to find.

Walk the other way, out of the woods and through the meadows and you eventually come to a pump for water - and soon after a sauna.  Wood-fired it's open to the public.  Just book a time, and remember to cross in if you are happy to share.....

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