Wednesday, 14 August 2013

To Furusund

The next day we took our leave and sailed north up Blidösund.  The winds were light from th southeast but we made good speed to start with.  In the narrow sound though the wind proved elusive and we were ghosting along if not stopped for the best part of two hours.
Eventually we caught a breeze and had a gurgling reach out to the north end of Yxlan.  From there we close hauled into Furusund to approach the harbour with the same name. Sails down we motored in looking for where to anchor up to the guest jetties. Then we spotted a young man from the marina hailing us. "What`s your beam?" he asked... not something I've needed to know before. I stuck out my arms and guestimated...and obviously gave the right answer as we were pointed further in to the harbour to nose into a Y-boom space. Luxury.. and no messing around with the anchor in a confined space.
More luxury was dinner where we traded the grill for the värdshus... a proper posh dinner with great views of the passing ferries on their way to Åland.  Surprisingly, given how close they pass, there was very little swell...

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